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How to Increase your Adsense Earnings using Semrush? | Art2advice

Normally I don’t rely much on Google Adsense for making money online because I am able to make decent amount of money by using other money making methods. However, this is not the case with all bloggers (Specially New Bloggers). Terms like Affiliate Marketing, Content Marketing etc are still new to them. For such bloggers, Google Adsense is the major source of income.  After getting the approval of Adsense, they apply Adsense Ads on their blog and expect huge monthly income from it. Majority of such bloggers fail because they don’t do anything to increase their CPC rate.
You can’t make huge money through Google Adsense just by placing Adsense ads on different locations. Perfect Ad Placement strategy is helpful because it increases the chance of clicks. If your CPC rate is low, you won’t be able to earn much even after getting lots of clicks on your Ads.
Few weeks ago, I was chatting with a blogger friend from Pakistan. At that time, I was making $20-$30 per day through Adsense. As I informed you earlier, I never tried to earn more through Adsense so I was happy with that. When he came to know about my traffic and Adsense earnings, he suggested me to focus more on Adsense.  At that time, I was not serious but later on decided to use High Paying keywords in my articles. Finding high Paying Keywords using Normal Keyword Research Tools was time taking. The best solution appeared in the form of “Semrush”. It allows you to check popular keywords of your competitor sites as well which simplifies the whole keyword research process.
What is Semrush?
Semrush is a free as well as paid SEO tool. Using this tool, You can know the list of keywords which are being used by any other site for driving traffic to their blog. You can also find high Paying Keywords within few minutes. In short, SEMRush is a combination of Keyword Research Tool and Competitive Research Tool. 
ShoutmeLoud is a well known blog so I am using its report in above image. It shows the list of popular keywords which are bringing traffic to ShoutMeLoud. Apart from this, the report also shows the position of keywords in search engine, Volume of exact mach and other helpful informations.
How to Increase your Adsense Earnings using SEMRush?
If you want to increase your Adsense Earnings using SEMrush, follow below given instructions:
  • First of all, visit http://www.semrush.com . You will be redirected to the Homepage of SEMRush.
  • Register there for free. Once done, Log into your SEMRush Account.
SEMRush Login Screen
  • Enter your Login details in the Login form. Below given screen shows the same:
Login Screen at SEMRush
  • After logging into your SEMRush account, You will see your Dashboard.
  • If you want to find profitable keywords, enter the name of blog, website or forum which are related to your niche. For example, I have used “warriorforum.com” because it’s the most popular site among Bloggers, SEO Experts and webmasters.
Finding Profitable keywords using SEMRush
  • Scroll down and move to the “Organic Keyword ” section. You will see some most popular keywords. Click on “Full Report“. See below given figure:
Organic Keywords using SEMRush

  • After clicking on “Full Report” Option as shown in above figure, You will be redirected to another page which will contain the list of Keywords. In order to find the high Paying Keywords. Click on the link which shows “CPC“. Below given screen shows the same:
High Paying CPC by SEMRush

  • After clicking on “CPC” as shown in above figure, You will be redirected to another screen which will show you the list of high paying keywords. See below given instructions:
High paid Keywords for adsense

  • In above shown image, I have highlighted the list of “High Paying Keywords” and their “CPC” rate. If you want to increase your CPC rate of Google Adsense, try using Keywords in your articles  which has high CPC rate.
  • If a particular keyword has CPC rate of $95, you can get $95 for a single click. Isn’t that great.
How I increased my Adsense Earnings using SEMRush?
n above steps, I have already explained the method of finding high paying keywords using SEMRush. When I started using SEMRush, I tried to know about the keywords which has been used by “Warrior Forum”. At that time, I targeted a keyword “Cheap EMail Marketing Services” because its CPC rate was $45.86 and there were hardly any article on this subject. After publishing that post, my Adsense CPC rate increased dramatically. Below given image shows the CPC of that particular keyword:
High Adsense earning using SEMRush
So many high paying keywords are still in the list. Check whether any informative article on that particular topic is already published or not. If you failed to find any such article on internet, write a new article and focus on that particular keyword. Believe me! your Adsense income will increase.
Is SEMRush Tool Paid or Free?
SEMRush Tool is available in both Paid and Free version. If you are new blogger and don’t want to invest money, You  can try SEMRush Free version.
Premium(Paid) version always contains more features and functionalities. If you are really serious about your blogging career and ready to invest money on your blog, You can purchase the Paid Version of SEMRush Tool. You can check its rates by Visiting Here.
From the Editor’s Desk
If your aim is to earn huge amount of money through Adsense, focus on two major areas: (1)Traffic  and (2) Keyword Research.
I am suggesting you to research for keywords because CPC always matters. If your CPC is low, you will earn less even after attracting huge amount of traffic. Keyword Research can be time taking(If you are not using any tool). Some best free and paid keyword Research Tools are listed below: